Archive of Olmo Ling Retreats and Teachings
Note that this is a listing of past events.
Go to the list of upcoming retreats and teachings.
March 2025 |
Three Days: March 22nd - 23rd and March 29th, 2025 |
A Khrid Part I (Session 5): Ngozhi | Teaching and Transmission
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama We are excited that Tempa Dukte Lama will be offering the complete cycle of A Khrid Dzogchen teachings and transmission again this year. The Bon Dzogchen teachings are the highest teachings of Bon as they offer a means to directly recognize the true nature of the mind and attain stabilization of this recognition. This teaching series is a special opportunity to directly recognize the mind’s innate nature. |
January 2025 |
Weekends: January 4-5, 11-12, and 18-19, 2025 |
Clairvoyance Mirror of Srid rGyal of the Six Times 2025
Sidpa Gyalmo Divination Practice - Teaching, Training, and Transmission with Tempa Dukte Lama |
December 2024 |
Sat. December 7 - Sun. December 8th, 2024 from 9:30AM - 1:00PM EST |
Du Tri Su Teaching, Ritual, Transmission and Empowerment
with Tempa Dukte Lama via Zoom and In-Person The Du Tri Su cycle of teachings is part of the outer, inner, and secret practices and rituals taught by the Awakened One Tonpa Shenrab to help beings address obstacles and challenges in their lives. The Du Tri Su mantra is one of the Three Heart Mantras of Bon. It is the heart practice to clear the karmic conditioning and suffering of the lower realms and the obstacles in our present life. The Du Tri Su mantra strengthens our vital energy, enables healing of our body and our relationships, and protects us from epidemics, disease, and hostile forces. It is also a powerful practice to call upon the souls of the deceased, offer them guidance, and help them find peace and wellbeing. |
November 2024 |
Sunday, November 24th from 9:30am - 1:30pm EST |
Bon Soul Retrieval Ritual for the Humla Project
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche |
October 2024 |
October 26, 27, Nov 2,3, 9 and 10 |
Dzogchen Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Thrul Khor Teaching, Transmission, and Instruction
via Zoom and In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche |
Sat Oct 23, Sun Oct 24, Sat Nov 6, Sun Nov 7, Sat Nov 13 and Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:30am-12:30pm ET |
Clairvoyance Mirror of Srid rGyal of the Six Times 2021
Extended Teaching on Bon Divination with Tempa Lama via Zoom |
September 2024 |
Sat. Sept 14 - Sun. Sept 15, 2024 from 9:30AM - 4:00PM and 9:30AM - 1:00PM |
Yang Sang Ne Luk Puk Cho | Innermost Instruction: The Realization of the Natural State
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will point out the ultimate essence of the natural state through the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud practice of the Twenty-one Nails. |
August 2024 |
Sat. August 31 - Sun. Sept 1, 2024 from 9:30AM - 4:00PM and 9:30AM - 1:00PM |
Sang Wa Rigpa Cher Tong | Secret Instruction: The Recognition of Pure Awareness
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will explain the heart essence of pure awareness according to the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Dzogchen transmission. Through this instruction the pure, intrinsic awareness is pointed out with the practice of the eightfold quintessential instructions. |
Sat. August 17 - Sun. August 18, 2024 from 9:30AM - 4:00PM and 9:30AM - 1:00PM |
Nang Men Ngag Mar Tri | Inner Instruction: The Essential Instruction
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will explain the heart essence of Todgal with the practice of the Six Lamps. The main practice of Dzogchen consists of Todgal and Trek Chod. Todgal is the development of vision practice in Dzogchen. Through Todgal practice with the Six Lamps, we first point out where intrinsic awareness abides. Second, we clarify which path intrinsic awareness follows and through which door it exits. Finally, we point out in what form intrinsic awareness appears. |
Weekends Through: Saturday, August 3rd - September 15th, 2024 |
Fourfold Instruction of Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Dzogchen Series
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche In this extended summer Dzogchen series, brothers Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will give detailed teachings and practice instructions on the view and practice of Dzogchen according to the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud lineage of Bon. |
Sat. August 3 - Sun. August 4, 2024 from 9:30AM - 4:00PM and 9:30AM - 1:00PM |
Chi Tawa Chi Cho | Outer Instruction: The View of Dzogchen
with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will explain the heart essence of the Dzogchen view according to Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud. The reason why we have to understand the Dzogchen view first before engaging in practice is that the view is like a palace. |
July 2024 |
Weekends from Sat. July 29 - Sun. August 13 from 9:30am - 12:30pm & 2:00 - 4:00pm |
Three Weekend | Jang Chok Ritual Teaching and Training
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama The Jang Chok ritual from the Du Tri Su cycle is a powerful skillful means to guide the consciousness of the deceased and protect it from the terror of the Bardo experiences. The Bardo is the in-between state where the consciousness has left the physical body at the moment of death and has not yet taken on a new body. |
Sat. July 20 - Sun. July 21 from 9:30AM-12:00PM, 2:00-4:00PM and 9:30AM-1:00PM |
Sidpa Gyalmo Tsok | Teaching and Offering
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama In this retreat, Tempa Lama will explain the complete ritual of the Sidpa Gyalmo Tsok Feast Offering. Participants will learn how to perform the ritual. We will conclude on Sunday by doing the Sidpa Gyalmo Tsok Feast Offering Ritual and Ceremony. |
July 16 and 17, 9:30am-1:00pm EST |
Bon Soul Retrieval Ritual
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
June 2024 |
Bon Soul Retrieval Ritual
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama & Geshe Lama Rinchen Gyaltsen DATES TBD – Page is Under Construction |
Sat. June 1 - Sun. June 2 from 9:30AM-12:00PM, 2:00-4:00PM and 9:30AM-1:00PM |
Sidpa Gyalmo Dokpa | Teaching and Transmission
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama The Sidpa Gyalmo Dokpa is a powerful ritual prayer through which we invite the qualities and energy of the chief protector deity of Bon, Sidpa Gyalmo, to clear misfortune and obstacles in our life and the lives of others. We are all affected by imbalances and obstacles to the five divine energies of the individual: the Tsog (life force), Lu (health), Wangtang (livelihood), Lungta (social wellbeing), and Lha (soul). Through this ritual, we connect with the Great Mother in the form of Sidpa Gyalmo to clear these hindrances and imbalances. The ritual also helps us heal trauma and recurring nightmares. |
May 2024 |
Sat. May 18 - Sun. May 19 from 9:30AM-12:30PM, 2:00-4:00PM and 9:30AM-1:00PM |
Sidpa Gyalmo Longevity and Prosperity Practice | Teaching and Transmission
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama Tempa Lama will offer the teaching, practice instruction, and transmission of the Longevity and Prosperity Practice of Sidpa Gyalmo called Sidgyal Tse Nor Drub Pa. This more detailed teaching is also very well suited to those who received the shorter teaching on this practice from Tempa Lama last year. |
April 2024 |
Weekends: April 27 - 28 and May 4 - 5 from 9:30am - 1:00pm EST |
The Healing Practice and Healing Waters Practice of Sidpa Gyalmo
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama Tempa Lama will guide us in meditating on the healing qualities of Sidpa Gyalmo. He will offer instructions and transmission of the Healing Practice and the Healing Waters Practice, including the visualization, chanting, and the meaning of the practice text. |
March 2024 |
Sun. March 16th - Sat. March 17th from 9:30 AM - 12:30PM EST |
Ngak Dzog Zung Drel Gyi Bardo Ngo Trod Ser Gyi Me Long teaching: The Golden Mirror Introduction to the Bardo From the Integration of Tantra and Dzogchen
Available ONLY over Zoom |
Sat. March 9th - Sun. March 10th from 9:30am - 4:00pm & 9:30am - 1:00pm EST |
Heart Essence of the Five Elements
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama |
February 2024 |
Weekends: Feb. 17 - 19 & 24 - 25 from 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM EST |
Heart Drop of the Loving Mother
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama Tempa Lama will give detailed instructions on how to meditate on the Great Loving Mother according to the practice of the Heartdrop of the Loving Mother. He will explain the liturgy and visualization, offer the transmission and guide us in meditating on the qualities of the Loving Mother. |
February 3-4, 2024 |
Lu Sang Ritual Training
via Zoom with Tempa Dukte Lama |
January 2024 |
Weekends: January 20 - 21 and January 27 from 9:30AM - 1:00PM & 2:00 - 4:00 PM EST |
View, Conduct, and Meditation of the Nine Ways of Bon
Available ONLY via Zoom |
December 2023 |
Sat. December 16 - Sun. December 17, 2023 from 9:30am - 1:00pm ET |
Teachings on the Noble Eightfold Path
Via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama |
Dec. 3 and 10, 2022 and Jan. 7 and 14, 2023 from 9:30am - 12:30pm |
Fourfold Instruction of Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Dzogchen
With Menri Shedrup Khenpo Geshe Nyima Dhondup Rinpoche & Tempa Dukte Lama |
September 2023 |
September 30 and October 1, 2023 |
Bon Dzogchen Trekcho Teaching and Practice Instructions
Available ONLY over Zoom |
Sat. September 16 - Sun. September 17, 2023 from 9:30am - 4:00pm & 9:30am - 1:00pm |
A Khrid Part V: Phowa Teaching and Transmission
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama This teaching builds on the A Khrid Parts I-IV teachings offered at Olmo Ling this spring and in previous years. Having previously attended Parts I-IV is a prerequisite for attending Part V. |
Sat. Sept 2 - Sun. Sept 3, 2023 & 9:30am - 4:00pm & 9:3am - 1:00pm |
Advanced Practical Training in Conducting the Jang Chok Ritual
with Tempa Dukte Lama | In-Person ONLY at Olmo Ling Bon Center |
August 2023 |
Sat. August 26 - Sun. August 27, 2023 & 9:30am - 4:00pm & 9:3am - 1:00pm |
Dzog Pa Chenpo Ser Gyi Lung Non Che Wa - Bon Dzogchen Teaching
via Zoom & In-Person with Menri Shedrup Khenpo Geshe Nyima Dhondup Rinpoche and Tempa Dukte Lama In this weekend’s retreat, Rinpoche will explain and give pith instructions on how to stabilize and control the conceptual mind based on: |
July 2023 |
Sat. July 22 - Sun. July 23 at 9:30am - 12:3pm and 2:00 - 4:00pm EST |
The Six Lamps: Dzogchen Todgal Teaching and Transmission from Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud
Available ONLY over Zoom Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will give the teaching and transmission of the heart essence of Todgal practice in Bon Dzogchen with the teaching of the Six Lamps. |
June 2023 |
Sunday, June 4th from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST |
Du Tri Su Empowerment
with His Holiness 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche & Tempa Dukte Lama Du Tri Su is the heart practice of Bon to clear the karmic conditioning and suffering of the lower realms and the obstacles in our present life. It is a powerful practice to call upon the souls of the deceased, offer them guidance, and help them find peace and wellbeing. The Du Tri Su mantra strengthens our vital energy, enables healing of our body and our relationships, and protects us from epidemics, disease, provocation of energy, hostile forces and disturbing spirits. |
Friday, June 2nd, 2023 from 7:00 - 8:30pm EST |
A Public Talk with His Holiness 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche
with His Holiness 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche & Tempa Dukte Lama The Heart Essence of the Four Noble Truths, A public talk held by His Holiness 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche & Tempa Dukte Lama |
Saturday, June 3rd from 10:00am - 4:00pm EST |
Ritual and Teaching: Importance and Benefits of the Jang Chok Ritual for the Deceased
with His Holiness 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche & Tempa Dukte Lama The Jang Chok ritual for the deceased is an extensive ritual practice to guide the consciousness of the deceased and protect it from the terror of the Bardo experiences. The Bardo is the in-between state where the consciousness finds itself after separating from the physical body at the moment of death and before taking on a new body. |
Friday June 2nd - Sunday, June 4th |
Visit from H.H. 34th Menri Trizin to Pittsburgh, PA in June 2023
Friday June 2nd - Sunday, June 4th In early June we are humbled by His Holiness 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche’s visit to Olmo Ling Bon Center & Institute in Pittsburgh, PA. From Friday to Sunday, His Holiness 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin will hold a Public Talk, a teaching on The Important and Benefits of the Jang Chok Ritual, and perform a Du Tri Su Empowerment with Tempa Dukte Lama. |
April 2023 |
Sunday April 30, Saturday May 6, and Sunday May 7 from 9:30am - 1:00pm EST |
Bardo Teaching
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama Tempa Lama will provide practice instructions for each Bardo stage and explain how we can guide and assist the dying person during and after death. Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead, we will use death itself as a basic practice to develop strength within ourselves and keep our heart and mind free from fear and judgment. |
Saturday April 22, Sunday April 23 and Saturday April 29 |
Teaching on Ngo Trod - Being with Dying
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama Tempa Lama will introduce the Bon teachings on death and dying and teach the practice of Ngo Trod or conscious dying. Ngo Trod is the practice of becoming familiar with the transition at the time of death including the dissolution of the elements, developing openness and trust toward the process of dying, and letting go of fear and attachments. |
March 2023 |
Weekends: March 25 - 26 and April 1 - 2 from 9:30am - 1:00pm EST |
A Khrid Part IV: Teaching and Transmission
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama This teaching builds on the A Khrid Parts I-III teachings offered at Olmo Ling this spring and in previous years. Having previously attended Parts I-III is a prerequisite for attending Part IV. |
February 2023 |
Weekends: Feb. 18 - 19, Feb. 25 - 26, March 4 - 5, and March 11 - 12 from 9:30am - 1:00pm EST |
A Khrid Part I - III: Teaching and Transmission
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama The complete cycle of A Khrid Dzogchen teachings and transmission. This teaching series is a special opportunity to directly recognize the mind’s innate nature. The Bon Dzogchen teachings are the highest teachings of Bon as they offer a means to directly recognize the true nature of the mind and attain stabilization of this recognition. |
January 2023 |
Weekends: Jan. 21 - 22 and Jan. 28 - 29 from 9:30am - 1:00pm ET |
Ngondro: Teaching and Transmission
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama Detailed teaching and transmission of the Ngondro preliminary practices. This practice opens the door to all Bon practices of Tantra (Path of Transformation) and Dzogchen (Path of Self-Liberation). It is extremely important for all those who wish to learn and practice the spiritual path of liberation in the Bon tradition. |
November 2022 |
November 6, 2022 from 10:00am - 12:00pm EST |
Chang Bu Gyatsa Chod Prayer Ritual for Blessings in 2023
with Tempa Dukte Lama & Geshe Chembel Gurung |
October 2022 |
Oct. 29 - 30, 2022 from 9:30am - 1:00pm |
Invocation of Blue Dzambhala | Teaching and Transmission
with Tempa Dukte Lama & Geshe Chembel Gurung |
Oct. 22 - 23, 2022 from 9:30am - 1:00pm |
Tsa Lung Trul Khor Yoga | Teaching and Transmission
with Tempa Dukte Lama & Geshe Chembel Gurung |
October 15-16, 2022 |
Ritual for Summoning and Securing the Elements of Prosperity - Ser Öd Yang Kyab
With Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Chembel Gurung |
Sat. Oct 1 - Sun. Oct 2 from 9:30am - 1:00pm EST |
Sidpa Gyalmo Tsok: Teaching and Offering
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama |
August 2022 |
Sat. August 20 - Sun. August 21 from 10:30am - 1:00pm EST via Zoom |
Dzogchen Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Nyam Zhag Kyi Lak Len | Heart Essence Practice of Meditative Equipoise
with Menri Shedrup Khenpo Geshe Nyima Dhondup Rinpoche, Abbot of the Bon Dialectic School at Menri Monastery & Tempa Dukte Lama |
Sunday, August 7 at 10:30AM - 1:00PM EST via Zoom |
Three Heart Mantras of Bon: Teaching and Transmission
with His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargye Rinpoche and Tempa Dukte Lama |
July 2022 |
Loving Mother Teaching and Lunch with Silent Auction Fundraiser for the Olmo Ling Capital Campaign
with Tempa Dukte Lama in New York City |
Saturday, July 2nd at 6:30pm |
Fundraising Dinner and Silent Auction for the Olmo Ling Capital Campaign
with Tempa Dukte Lama in Pittsburgh, PA |
June 2022 |
Sat. June 18th - Sun. June 19th from 9:30 am - 1:00 pm EST |
Sidpa Gyalmo Dokpa: Teaching and Transmission
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama |
Sat. June 4th - Sun. June 5th, 2022 from 9:30 am - 1:00 pm EST |
Concise Practice of the Medicine Buddha
via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama |
April 2022 |
Saturday, April 23rd from 9:30 - 11:30am EST |
Writing to Heal Workshop
with Robin Clarke, LCSW, MFA, MA via Zoom |
March 2022 |
Sat. March 12 - Sun. March 13 from 9:30am - 1:00pm |
Foundations of Meditation
with Tempa Lama via Zoom |
February 2022 |
February 2021 |
Complete A Khrid Dzogchen teaching and transmission cycle Part I, II and III with Tempa Dukte Lama - February 2021
via Zoom |
Sat, Feb. 5 - Sun, Feb. 6 and Sat, Feb 12 - Sun, Feb. 13 at 9:30am - 12:30pm ET |
Bon Ngondro Retreat: Teaching and Transmission
Tempa Dukte Lama via Zoom |
December 2021 |
December 18th, 9:30am - 1:00pm ET |
Dü Dok | Menri Monastery Public Restroom Project
with Tempa Lama via Zoom |
October 2021 |
October 2nd - 3rd, 9:30am - 12:30pm ET |
Dü Dok: Averting Misfortune and Obstacles
with Tempa Lama via Zoom |
July 2021 |
July 24th - July 25th, 9:30am - 12:30pm ET |
Tsa Lung Thrul Khor Yoga
With Tempa Lama via Zoom |
June 2021 |
June 19-20 |
Heart Essence of the Five Elements Teaching and Transmission
With Tempa Dukte Lama via Zoom |
April 2021 |
April 24-25 |
A Khrid Part V: Phowa Teaching and Transmission
With Tempa Dukte Lama via Zoom |
March 2021 |
March 27-28 & April 10-11 |
A Khrid Dzogchen teaching and transmission Part IV
With Tempa Dukte Lama via Zoom |
January 2021 |
Saturday October 24 and 31 and November 7 |
Teachings on the Bardo
With Tempa Dukte Lama via Zoom |
November 2020 |
November 21&22, December 5&6 |
Bon A Khrid Dzogchen Transmission and Practice with Tempa Lama Part III - 2020
With Tempa Dukte Lama via Zoom |
October 2020 |
Three Saturdays in October 2020 |
Teachings on Conscious Dying
With Tempa Dukte Lama via Zoom |
May 2020 |
May 16-17, 2020 |
Heart Drop of the Loving Mother weekend retreat
YogaMari Yoga Studio, Woodstock, VT with Tempa Dukte Lama |
May 10-12, 2019 |
Sidpa Gyalmo Healing Retreat
With Tempa Dukte Lama and Yoga instructor Alma Largey |
April 2020 |
April 18-19, 2020 |
Bon A Khrid Dzogchen Transmission and Practice Part II 2020
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
March 2020 |
March 28. 10am-4:30pm |
Bon Soul Retrieval Ritual
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Chhembel Gurung |
Saturday March 21 - 9:30-11:30am |
Sidpa Gyalmo Healing Practice - a 2 hour online event
Online with Tempa Dukte Lama |
Friday March 20, 9:00am-5:00pm |
Being With Dying, Part 1: Contemplative Practices to Support the Dying
Friday March 20, 9am-5pm |
Olmo Ling, Pittsburgh, PA |
Sidpa Gyalmo Protector and Healing Retreat
With Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Chhembel Gurung |
Monday March 3, 2014 to Thursday March 13, 2014 |
Trip to Menri Monastery, India, with Tempa Dukte Lama
Monday March 3, 2014 to Thursday March 13, 2014 |
December 2019 |
December 14, 9:30am-1pm |
Chang Bu Gyatsa Chod Healing Ritual
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
November 2019 |
November 15-17, 2019 |
Bon A Khrid Dzogchen Transmission and Practice Part I, 2019
With Tempa Dukte Lama |
October 2019 |
Saturday October 19, 9am-5pm |
Writing as a Wisdom Project
With Zen priest Catherine Gammon |
August 2019 |
Sunday August 11, 10am-1pm |
Empowerment and Blessing of Sherab Mawe Senge with His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargye
Sunday August 11, 10am-1pm |
Saturday August 10, 10am-4pm |
Daylong Teachings on the Loving Mother with His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargye
Saturday August 10, 10am-4pm |
Friday August 9, 7-8:30pm |
Public Talk & Blessing with His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargye: Awakening the Heart of Compassion
Friday August 9, 7-8:30pm |
August 9-11 |
His Holiness 34th 2019 visit package - public talk, teaching, and empowerment
August 9-11 |
June 2019 |
June 29-30, 2019 |
Dzogchen & Shikantaza Retreat
With Tempa Dukte Lama and Zen priest Catherine Gammon |
June 8-9, 2019 |
Karmic Ripening - The Law of Causality
With H.E. 7th Kundol Rinpoche |
April 2019 |
April 26 (evening) and April 27 |
Tibetan Bon Healing Retreat - the Healing Practice of Sidpa Gyalmo
Woodstock, VT with Tempa Dukte Lama |
April 6-7, 2019 |
Dream Yoga Retreat with Geshe Lodoe Choglek and Tempa Dukte Lama
Pittsburgh, PA with Geshe Lodoe Choglek and Tempa Dukte Lama |
February 2019 |
February 16-17, 2019 |
The Secret Aspects of the Mind - from the Dzogchen Oral Tradition of Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud
With Geshe Nyima Dhondup, abbot of the Bon Dialectic School at Menri |
January 2019 |
January 19-20, 2019 |
Beyond Mindfulness: Suffering and Transformation
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
January 6, 2019 from 10am-1pm |
Chod Healing Prayer Ritual with Tempa Dukte Lama
A ritual to clear obstacles and strengthen health and wellbeing for the new year |
November 2018 |
November 17-18, 2018 |
Tibetan Thrul Khor Yoga Retreat - Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud transmission
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Chhembel Gurung |
November 9-11, 2018 |
Bon A Khrid Dzogchen Meditation Retreat
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
October 2018 |
Saturday October 6 |
Sidpa Gyalmo protector practice
Pittsburgh, PA with Iris Grossmann |
September 2018 |
Saturday September 15 |
Chod practice workshop
Pittsburgh, PA with Andrew Kaiser |
August 2018 |
August 18-19, 2018 |
Dzogchen and Shikantaza Retreat
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama and Zen priest Catherine Gammon |
June 2018 |
June 30, 2019 |
Tsa Lung Tibetan Bon Yoga and Chod Healing Ritual
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
June 9-10, 2018 |
Bon Phowa Practice Retreat: Teachings and Transmission
With Tempa Dukte Lama, June 9-10, 2018 |
May 2018 |
May 12-13, 2018 |
Bon Ngondro Retreat: Teachings and Transmission
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
March 2018 |
March 16-18, 2018 |
Bon Chod Practice Retreat: The Laughter of the Dakinis
With Tempa Dukte Lama, March 16-18, 2018 |
February 2018 |
Saturday February 17, 9:30am-5pm |
The Meaning of Bon Symbolism
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
January 2018 |
Saturday January 20, 9:30am-5pm |
Rabney Ritual Retreat
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
Saturday January 13, 9:30am-5pm |
How to Meditate
Daylong Retreat with Tempa Dukte Lama |
December 2017 |
Saturday December 10, 2017 |
Chod Healing Retreat
Saturday December 9, 9:30am-5pm |
November 2017 |
November 17-19, 2017 |
Bon A Khrid Dzogchen Practice Retreat
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
August 2017 |
Saturday August 19, 2017 |
Introduction to the Bon Tradition and the Way of the Lay Practitioner
With Tempa Dukte Lama |
July 2017 |
July 9, 10am-1pm |
Chang Bu Gyatsa Chod Healing Prayer Ritual
With Geshe Yangton Lama Tashi Gyaltsen and Tempa Dukte Lama |
July 8-9, 2017 |
Ancient Tibetan Thrul Khor Yoga Retreat
With Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Chhembel Gurung |
June 2017 |
June 17-18, 2017 |
Heart Drop of the Loving Mother with Tempa Dukte Lama
Olmo Ling Bon Center, 1101 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA |
April 2017 |
Fri. April 28, 7-8:30pm, Sat. April 29, 9:30am-5pm |
Contemplative Workshop on Being With Dying I
With Tempa Dukte Lama, Dan Leger, Stan Perelman, and Jon Spiegel |
Saturday April 8, 2017 |
Red Garuda Fire Puja - Khyung Mar Jinsek
with Geshe Nyima Kunkyap and Tempa Dukte Lama |
February 2017 |
February 18-19, 2017 |
Longevity Practice of Sidpa Gyalmo
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
January 2017 |
January 28-29, 2017 |
Meditation Instructors Training Part II 2017
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
Thursdays 7-8:15pm |
Vibration Sound as a Road to Transformation
with Eileen Nadzam, MA |
November 13-15, 2015 |
Bon A Khrid Dzogchen Transmission and Practice Part I 2015
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
January 14-15, 2017 |
Dream Yoga Retreat with Geshe Lodoe Choglek and Tempa Dukte Lama
Pittsburgh, PA with Geshe Lodoe Choglek and Tempa Dukte Lama |
November 2016 |
Friday November 18th, 10am through Sunday November 20, 2pm |
Bon A Khrid Dzogchen Transmission and Practice with Tempa Lama Part III - 2016
Sequanota Center, Boswell, PA |
October 2016 |
Saturday, October 22, 9:30am-5pm |
Music Mantra Meditation
with Eileen Nadzam, MA |
September 2016 |
September 24 |
Chod: Laughter of the Dakinis
with Andrew Kaiser |
Olmo Ling Bon Center & Institute |
Instruction in Calm Abiding Meditation: A Foundational Meditation of Bon
Olmo Ling Bon Center, 1101 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217 |
August 2016 |
August 20-21, 2016 |
Meditation Instructors’ Training Part I with Tempa Dukte Lama
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
July 2016 |
July 30-31 |
Ancient Tibetan Thrul Khor Yoga Retreat
With Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Chhembel Gurung |
June 2016 |
Sunday June 12, 2016 |
Du Tri Su Initiation and Empowerment
with H.E. 7th Kundol Rinpoche, Tempa Dukte Lama, Geshe Tenzin Tarke Gurung, and Geshe Chhembel Gurung |
Saturday June 11, 9:30 am - 5 pm |
Dzogchen Mar Mo Dzub Khrid Second Cycle 2016
with H.E. 7th Kundol Rinpoche |
May 2016 |
May 14-15, 2016 |
Bon A Khrid Dzogchen Transmission and Practice Part II 2016
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
April 2016 |
2016 |
Introduction to Bon: view, practice and the life of Tonpa Shenrab
With Tempa Dukte Lama |
Friday, April 8, 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Saturday, April 9, 9:30am – 5:00pm (with lunch break) and Sunday, April 10, 10:00am-1:00pm. |
Being with Death and Dying Workshop IV: Phowa Practice
Olmo Ling Tibetan Bon Center and Institute, Pittsburgh, PA |
March 2016 |
March 19-20 |
Divination of Sidpa Gyalmo Retreat
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
Olmo Ling Bon Center & Institute |
Instruction in the Calm Abiding Meditation: A Foundational Meditation of Bon
Olmo Ling Bon Center, 1101 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA |
February 2016 |
Olmo Ling Center & Institute |
Soul Retrieval Retreat
Olmo Ling Bon Center, 1101 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA |
January 2016 |
Nov 12-14 |
Dzogchen Thrul khor: Tibetan Dzogchen Yoga
With Tempa Lama and Geshe Lhundup Chaphur |
January 8-10, 2016 |
Bon Chod Retreat: The Laughter of the Dakinis
Olmo Ling Bon Center, 1101 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA |
August 2015 |
Olmo Ling Center & Institute |
Longevity Empowerment of Tsewang Rigzin
with Geshe Yangton Tashi Gyaltsen Rinpoche |
July 2015 |
Saturday July 11 & Sunday July 12, 2015 |
Healing Retreat: Tibetan Bon practice of Sidpa Gyalmo
With Tempa Dukte Lama |
June 2015 |
Saturday June 13 & Sunday June 14, 2015 |
The Many Faces of the Loving Mother
with Eileen Nadzam |
March 2015 |
Friday March 27, 7-8:30 PM, Sat. March 28, 9:30 AM-5 PM and Sun. March 29, 10am-1pm |
Being With Death & Dying Workshop III: The Bardo
Chatham University, Pittsburgh, PA |
Olmo Ling Center & Institute, 1101 Greenfield Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15217 |
Lu Chod Homi Gyatso Ritual Retreat
with Geshe Nyima Kunkyap Rinpoche and Tempa Dukte Lama |
February 2015 |
February 7-8, 2015 |
Dzogchen Mar Mo Dzub Khrid Teachings - Second Cycle
with H.E. 7th Kundol Rinpoche |
November 2014 |
Friday Nov. 21, 7-8:30 PM and Sat. Nov. 22, 9:30 AM-5 PM |
Being With Death & Dying Workshop II: Contemplative Practices to Help the Dying
Chatham University, Pittsburgh, PA |
October 2014 |
October 31-November 2, 2014 |
A Khrid Dzogchen Transmission and Practice Part III
with Tempa Dukte Lama, Sequanota Center, Boswell, PA |
June 2014 |
June 28-29, 2014 |
The Way of a Compassionate Being with Tempa Dukte Lama
Olmo Ling Bon Center, 1101 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA |
June 28-29, 2014 |
Heart Drop of the Loving Mother with Tempa Dukte Lama
Olmo Ling Bon Center, 1101 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA |
June 7-8, 2014 |
Family Retreat: The Loving Mother of Wisdom
McKeever Environmental Learning Center, Sandy Lake, PA |
May 2014 |
May 31-June 1, 2014 |
Bon A Khrid Part II 2014
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
April 2014 |
Fri. April 18, 7-8:30pm Sat. April 19, 9:30am-5:00pm |
Being With Death and Dying Workshop I
With Tempa Dukte Lama In this first Workshop in the Being with Dying series, we will explore the meaning of death in our lives and the art of conscious dying. |
January 2014 |
Fri. Jan 24, 7-8:45pm, Sat. Jan 25, 9:30am-5pm, Sun. Jan 26, 10am-1pm |
Heartdrops of Dharmakaya I with Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche
Olmo Ling Bon Center, 1101 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA |
December 2013 |
December 10 |
Test Event
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
November 2013 |
Olmo Ling Bon Center |
The Spiritual Life and Journey
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
October 2013 |
November 16th 2013 at 6pm |
Invitation for Fundraiser and Reception
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
October 11-13, 2013 |
Bon A Khrid Dzogchen Transmission and Practice
Boswell, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
September 2013 |
Sunday September 8, 2013 |
Longevity Empowerment
With H.E. Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche |
September 7, 2013 |
Essence of the Three Heart Mantras of Bon and Longevity Empowerment
With H.E. Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche |
September 7, 2013 |
Essence of the Three Heart Mantras of Bon
With H.E. Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche |
August 2013 |
August 3-4, 2013 |
Dzogchen Mar Mo Dzub Khrid Teachings – First Cycle Part II
Pittsburgh, PA with 7th Kundol Rinpoche and Tempa Lama |
July 2013 |
July 6-7, 2013 |
Personal Protector Retreat: The Invocation of Sidpa Gyalmo
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
May 2013 |
Saturday, May 25, 2013 3:00 - 5:00pm |
Ordinary Mind and the True Nature of Mind, A Public Talk and Blessing
With H. H. 33rd Menri Trizin, Spiritual Head of the Tibetan Bon Tradition and Tempa Dukte Lama |
Saturday, May 25, 2013 6:30 pm |
Benefit Dinner with H.H. 33rd Menri Trizin and Tempa Dukte Lama
Benefits the nuns and children of Menri Monastery, Dolanji, India |
April 2013 |
Friday, April 5, 7-8:30 pm and Saturday, April 6, 9:30am-5:30pm |
Beyond Mindfulness IV: The True Nature of Generosity and the Power of Compassion
With Tempa Dukte Lama, Dr. Stan Perelman and Dr. Jon Spiegel |
March 2013 |
Olmo Ling Center & Institute, 1101 Greenfield Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15217 |
Soul Retrieval Retreat
Pittsburgh, PA with Geshe Nyima Kunkyap Rinpoche and Tempa Dukte Lama |
February 2013 |
Saturday, February 16, 2013 9:30am - 5pm |
Teachings on the Bon Refuge Tree
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
January 2013 |
Saturday, Jan. 19, 9:30am - 5pm & Sunday, Jan. 20, 10am-1pm |
The Bon Practice of the Five Elements
Pittsburgh, PA with Khenpo Ratsa Geshe Tenzin Dargye |
December 2012 |
Sat. Dec. 1, 9:30am - 5pm and Sun. Dec. 2, 10:00am - 1pm |
The Four Goodnesses and Five Applications
Pittsburgh, PA with Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche |
November 2012 |
Saturday, November 10, 9:30am - 5pm and Sunday, November 11, 10am - 1pm |
Chod: Laughter of the Dakinis
Olmo Ling Center, Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama Chod is an ancient and powerful Tibetan practice that helps us develp the wisdom to cut through the four fears that afflict individuals and cause our suffering. |
October 2012 |
Fri. Oct. 5, 10am through Sun. Oct. 7, 2pm, Boswell, PA |
3-day Bon Healing Retreat: The Heartdrop of the Loving Mother
Residential Retreat at Sequanota Center with Tempa Dukte Lama |
July 2012 |
July 21-22, 2012 |
Dzogchen Mar Mo Dzub Khrid Teachings – First Cycle
Pittsburgh, PA with 7th Kundol Rinpoche and Tempa Dukte Lama |
April 2012 |
Test |
Pittsburgh, PA |
March 2012 |
Fri. March 30 - Sunday April 1 |
Beyond Mindfulness III: The Nature of Consciousness
Pittsburgh, PA |
Sat. March 17 - Sun. March 18 |
Weekend Teachings on the Yum Do (Heart Sutra)
Pittsburgh, PA with Geshe Tenzin Drukdak and Tempa Dukte Lama |
Evening Talk & Weekend Teachings |
The Tibetan Bon Healing Practice of Sidpa Gyalmo
Bronx Bon Buddhist Center, NY with Tempa Dukte Lama |
February 2012 |
Saturday Feb. 4 - Sunday Feb. 5, 2012 |
Retreat & Teachings on Bon Ngondro
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
December 2011 |
December 2-4, 2011 |
Bon Practice of the Five Elements
Pittsburgh, PA with Khenpo Tenzin Dargye |
October 2011 |
October 21 through October 23, 2011 |
Being with Death and Dying Workshop Part III: The Bardo
With Tempa Dukte Lama, Jon Spiegel, Ph.D. and Stan Perelman, Ph.D., |
August 2011 |
Saturday, August 20-Sunday, August 21, 2011 |
Transcending the Self through Purifying the Eight Consciousnesses
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
July 2011 |
Friday July 15 - Sunday July 17 |
Weekend Retreat: The law of cause and effect
Pittsburgh, PA with H.E. 7th Kundol Rinpoche |
June 2011 |
Saturday, June 25-Sunday, June 26, 2011 |
The Way of a Compassionate Being
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
Sat. June 4 |
Public Talk and Blessing: Awakening the Heart of Compassion
With H.H. 33rd Menri Trizin, Spiritual Head of the Tibetan Bon Tradition |
Saturday June 4, 2011 at 6:30pm |
Benefit Dinner with H.H. 33rd Menri Trizin and Tempa Lama
Saturday June 4, 2011 at 6:30pm |
March 2011 |
March 18-20 |
Beyond Mindfulness Workshop: The Urgency of Now
Chatham University with Tempa Lama, Dr. Stan Perelman and Dr. Jon Spiegel |
February 2011 |
Friday, February 18-Sunday, February 20, 2011 |
Meditation Instructors’ Training
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
January 2011 |
Friday, January 28-Sunday, January 30, 2011 |
Sang Gye Men Gyi Lha: Teachings on the Medicine Buddha
Pittsburgh, PA with Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche |
December 2010 |
Sunday December 12, 2010 |
Calligraphy Workshop Winter 2010
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
October 2010 |
October 2-3, 2010 |
The Longevity Practice of Drenpa Namkha
With the 7th Kundrol Rinpoche |
August 2010 |
Sat. August 21, 2010 |
Calligraphy Workshop with Tempa Lama
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
July 2010 |
July 31st and Aug 1st, 2010 |
Bon Ngondro Retreat
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
June 2010 |
June 5-6, 2010 |
Contemplative Healing Retreat
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
April 2010 |
April 16-18 2010 |
Bon Dzogchen Teaching
Pittsburgh, PA with Menri Ponlob Rinpoche |
Saturday, April 9 & Sunday April 10 |
Contemplative Healing Retreat in Spencertown NY
Spencertown, NY with Tempa Dukte Lama |
March 2010 |
March 4-7 2010 |
Being with Death and Dying
Pittsburgh, PA |
March 4-7 2010 |
Being with Death & Dying with CE credits for psychologists
Pittsburgh, PA |
March 4-7 2010 |
Being with Death & Dying with Social Work CE credits
Pittsburgh, PA |
February 2010 |
February 13-14, 2010 |
The Three Essential Mantras of Bon
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
January 2010 |
January 15-17 2010 |
The Bon Chod Practice “Laughter of the Dakinis”
Pittsburgh, PA with the 7th Kundrol Rinpoche and Tempa Dukte Lama |
November 2009 |
Sat Nov 21st 9:30am-5pm, Sun Nov 22nd, 10am-1pm |
The Ten Perfections
with Tempa Dukte Lama |
October 2009 |
Sat Oct 10, 9:30am-5pm, Sun Oct 11, 10am-1pm |
The Nature of the Mind and our Buddha Nature
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
September 2009 |
Saturday Sept 26, 2009: 9:30am - 5pm |
Meditation Retreat
Pittsburgh, PA with Tempa Dukte Lama |
August 2009 |
Fri Aug 14th: 7-8:30pm, Sat Aug. 15th: 10am-5pm, Sun, Aug. 16th: 10am-12:30pm |
Bon Dzogchen Teaching on the Sevenfold Clear Light
Pittsburgh, PA with Geshe Tenzin Dargye and Tempa Dukte Lama |
May 2009 |
May 29-31, 2009 |
Retreat on the "Bon Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Ngondro", the Preliminary Practices
Pittsburgh, PA with Menri Ponlop Thinley Nyima Rinpoche |
March 2009 |
March 28-29, 2009 |
Teachings on Dream Yoga from the Bon Mother Tantra
With Geshe Chongtul Rinpoche |
December 2002 |
Not happening |
Testing, please do not register to this event:
Location testing, please do not register |