Olmo Ling Programs and Retreats Schedule 2008
- Fri, Feb 15th, 2008, 7:00 pm, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA, Ford Chapel: An Introduction to Buddha Nature
- Sat, Feb 16th, 2008, 1-4 pm, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA, Ford Chapel: The Four Noble Truths
- Tuesday, March 4th Salem College, Winston Salem, North Carolina, Lecture: Bon Buddhist view on meditation and self-compassion
- Thursday, March 6th, 2:30 pm, Guest lecture at the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Religious Studies: “Tibetan Bon Buddhist views on death”
- March 9th Sunday 9-12.30 pm. And 2-4pm. Media Shambhala Meditation Group, Media PA: The practice of self-compassion on the path of compassionate beings
- March 29th and 30th, Pittsburgh, PA. Meditation retreat on Calm Abiding, self-awareness and open presence
- April 2nd 6-7 pm. Peace meditations Danforth Lounge, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. Sponsored by CMU Student Development Office.
- May 2nd 7:30 pm The Buddha Way Public Talk by Kundrol Rinpoche, Friends Meeting House, Pittsburgh, PA
- May 3rd 10am-5pm: Opening the Heart of The Three Jewels Teaching and Retreat with Kundrol Rinpoche, Pittsburgh, PA
- Buddhism: Discovering Ancient Wisdom in a Modern World, with Tova Tarr, PhD. Fridays, May 9 – June 6 from 10 – 11:50 a.m. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Pittsburgh, PA.
- June 28th and 29th, Pittsburgh, PA. Bon Buddhist Retrat on Being with Dying and Illness
- July 19th, Pittsburgh, PA. Bon Dzogchen retreat on the ‘Sevenfold Cycle of Clear Light Meditation’ with Geshe Tenzin Dargye Rinpoche.
- August 23rd and 24th, Pittsburgh, PA. The practice of self-compassion on the path of compassionate beings
- CCAC Community Education Class: Buddhism – View and Practice 4 sessions Sept 24th-Oct 15th, Wed 6:30-9pm
- October 4th-5th, Shambhala Group Media, PA. Healing Retreat.
- October 25th-26th, Bodhicharya Hospice, Berlin Germany: Bon Budddhist retreat: Being with Dying and Illness in English with German translation.
- Nov 22, Pittsburgh PA. Bon Buddhist Teaching on the Fourfold Mind Training with H.E. 7th Kundrol Rinpoche

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