Bon Dzogchen Teaching on the Sevenfold Clear Light
Pittsburgh, PA with Geshe Tenzin Dargye and Tempa Dukte Lama
Public talk: Fri Aug 14th: 7-8:30pm
Retreat: Sat Aug. 15th: 10am-5pm, Sun, Aug. 16th: 10am-12:30pm
In this retreat, Geshe Tenzin Dargye Rinpoche will give authentic Tibetan Bon Dzogchen teachings on the ‘Sevenfold Cycle of Clear Light Meditation’. This meditation practice helps us connect with the nature of our mind and manifest our Buddha Nature. ‘Dzogchen’ or the Great Perfection is the highest teaching of the Tibetan Bon tradition.
This retreat will continue teachings given last year. During the talk on Friday evening, Geshe-la will give an introduction to the ‘Sevenfold Cycle of Clear Light Meditation’ for those who are joining this retreat this year for the first time and review last year’s teachings. The talk is open to all and does not require registration. We suggest a donation of $10 for attending the talk only; if you are attending the retreat, this includes the talk.
Geshe Tenzin Dargye Rinpoche is the abbot of Tashi Gygye Tharten Ling monastery in Dhorpatan, Nepal, the first Bon monastery in exil. He holds a Geshe degree (Doctor of Philosophy) from Menri monastery in Dolanji, India. He is the founder of a Tibetan medicine center and several projects to provide education for poor children and to help homeless people and the elderly.
Tempa Lama, the founding director and resident teacher of Olmoling will translate and assist in the teachings.
Venue: Carriage house of the Western Pennsylvania Family Center, 733 N Highland Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15206
Retreat costs, incl. Friday evening talk: $125