Sidpa Gyalmo Tsok | Teaching and Offering

via Zoom & In-Person with Tempa Dukte Lama

Saturday, July 20th – Sunday, July 21st, 2024

Saturday’s Teaching Hours:

9:30 AM – 12:30 PM EST


2:00 – 4:00 PM EST

Sunday’s Teaching Hours:

9:30 AM – 1:00 PM EST

Registered participants will receive the recording after the teaching.

The teaching will be taught in English. Simultaneous translation will be available online/Zoom in Spanish, French, and Russian!

In this retreat, Tempa Lama will explain the complete ritual of the Sidpa Gyalmo Tsok Feast Offering. Participants will learn how to perform the ritual. We will conclude on Sunday by doing the Sidpa Gyalmo Tsok Feast Offering Ritual and Ceremony.

The Tsok Feast Offering is traditionally done to delight the deity, to strengthen our connection with the deity, and to invite blessings, protection, and guidance. Sidpa Gyalmo is the fierce form of the Great Loving Mother and the chief protector of Bon.

This teaching is part of the cycle of Sidpa Gyalmo teachings offered by Tempa Lama, along with the Invocation of Sidpa Gyalmo and Yeshe Walmo offered this April, the Sidpa Gyalmo Healing & Healing Waters Practice taught this April and May, the Sidpa Gyalmo Longevity & Prosperity Practice offered this May, Sidpa Gyalmo Dokpa offered this June, and the Clairvoyance Mirror of Srid rGyal of the Six Times (to be offered in 2025). If you joined one or several of these teachings and have cultivated a connection with Sidpa Gyalmo, Tempa Lama recommends that you attend this teaching and offering.

Participants will be emailed the Zoom link and handouts a day before the teaching
on Friday, July 19th around 4:00 PM EST.

Registration and Fees

Registration is CLOSED. We do not have volunteers available for Saturday Morning Registrations for this event.

Registered participants will receive the recording after the teaching.

We offer three fee levels to make the Bon teachings accessible. To register, please click on the registration link on the top or bottom of the page and select the appropriate fee. Anyone is welcome to select the low fee level, however, we rely on and gratefully appreciate contributions for the mid income and high income level. Your donation will help us continue to maintain Olmo Ling temple and expand our charitable projects in Asia. Thank you so much for your continued support!

If you are unable to afford a fee or donation, please email us at for a scholarship – please have Sidpa Gyalmo Tsok in the title.

Members Receive a 10% Discount

  • Mid to High income: $75
  • Mid income: $40
  • Low income: $20

About Tempa Dukte Lama

Tempa Lama is an ordained lama of the Tibetan Bon tradition. He is the founder and spiritual director of Olmo Ling Bon Center and Institute in Pittsburgh, PA, where he works to make the ancient Bon wisdom teachings available and accessible in the West. He is an artist, poet and author of seven books. Tempa Lama studied at Menri Monastery, India, from the age of six under the close guidance of the late H.H. 33rd Menri Trizin, the worldwide spiritual head of the Bon tradition until 2017. Tempa Lama has lived in the US since 2000 and teaches internationally, helping people bring a practice of healing and happiness into their lives.

Click Here to donate towards Tempa Dukte Lama

Registration is CLOSED. We do not have volunteers available for Saturday Morning Registrations for this event.


We are really sorry, there are no places left for this event.
Please check the Olmo Ling Retreat and Teaching Schedule to see if there is another workshop or retreat that you might be interested in.

If you still want to participate in this event, please send us an email . Back to Olmo Ling Retreat and Teaching Schedule