The Four Goodnesses and Five Applications
Pittsburgh, PA with Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche
Friday, Nov. 30, 7:00 – 8:30pm Public Talk
Sat. Dec. 1, 9:30am – 5pm and Sun. Dec. 2, 10:00am – 1pm
We are very happy that Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche will visit Olmo Ling this year. During his last visit, Rinpoche gave teachings on the Medicine Buddha. This time he will give teachings on the Pith Instructions of the Four Goodnesses and Five Applications, ‘Legs Pa bZhi Dang Nyams Su bLangs pa Nga‘i gDams Ngag’.
This particular teaching is from the Bon Dzogchen Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud, called “bKa’ rgyud sKor bZhi”, the fourfold lineage of the oral transmission.
This particular teaching was given by Tapihritsa to Gyerpung Nangzher Lodpo during their first meeting. The teaching on the pith instructions focuses on the view, meditation, conduct, and result of Dzogchen. The result is ultimately the attainment of the rainbow body of light.
The oral transmission of Zhang Zhung sNyan rGyud is very unique because its teaching and practice have been transmitted in an unbroken lineage from Kun tu bZang po, the Primordially Enlightened One, until now.
Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche is the author of “Opening the Door to Bon” and the abbot and lineage holder of the La Tri Monastery in Kham/Dege, Eastern Tibet. Rinpoche studied at Menri Monastery and received his Geshe degree in 1987. He is the founder and Director of the Bön Children’s Home in Dolanji, where he is in charge of providing for the physical and educational needs of Bon orphan children. He is the founder of the Yeru Bon Center in Los Angeles; the Shen Ten Ling Bon Centre in Vienna; the Shen Chen Ling in Minsk (Belarus); and the Bon Shen Ling in Moscow, and travels regularly to these centers to give teachings.
Early Bird Registration Fee up through Nov. 22nd:Suggested donation for Friday evening talk only is $10.
Olmo Ling Members: $90.00
Non-Member Rate: $100.00
Rates beginning Friday, Nov. 23rd:
Olmo Ling Members: $100.00
Non-Member Rate: $110.00
Please do not let financial hardship affect your attendance. Contact Trish for scholarship opportunities at 412-904-1112 or by email to: