Bon Buddhist Retreat on Being with Dying and Illness
With Tempa Dukte Lama, June 28th and 29th 2008
In this contemplative workshop we will explore the meaning of death in our lives and the art of conscious dying. We will learn about compassionate care for the dying and for ourselves. We will use meditation, exercises and dialogue to look deeply into the process of death and dying in our life and in the lives of people close to us. Using death itself as a basic practice to develop strength within ourselves will help us keep our heart and mind free from fear and judgment. We will explore teachings from the ancient Tibetan Bon tradition and its gifts in the field of conscious dying. In the Nine Successive Ways of Bon, the 4th Way deals with death, dying, and healing, and how to free ourselves from afflictive emotions that can cause sickness and make it difficult to live and die peacefully.
This retreat is for all who would like to look into the meaning of death and dying in their lives and learn more about letting go. The retreat is also for those who are ill or in the process of dying, for caregivers, health professionals, and people working closely with dying people or animals.
Venue:Western Pennsylvania Family Center
733 N Highland Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Sat, June 28: 9:30am-12:30pm and 2-5pm
Sun, June 29: 9:30am-12:30pm
Pre-registration is required. Contact Iris, phone: 412-606-9957.