
Welcome to Olmo Ling

Olmo Ling is a religious educational non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the ancient teachings of the Bon tradition of Tibet and making them available and accessible to lay practitioners.

Olmo Ling offers weekly meditation practice and teachings, prayers, meditation instruction and private interviews, and a study program that includes regular retreats with Tempa Dukte Lama and visiting lamas of the Bon tradition.

Learn more about Olmo Ling or Subscribe to our Mailing List.

Visit the Olmo Ling Teaching and Retreat Schedule for 2024 to view upcoming programs and please visit Olmo Ling online Bookstore!

October 15th | A Very Special Tuesday Evening Talk

with Tempa Dukte Lama, Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche, & Their Parents!

Join us at Olmo Ling Bon Center and over Zoom


Tempa Lama is delighted to share with the community that his parents are currently visiting the US from Nepal for the first time!

This Tuesday, October 15 at 7:00 PM EST, his parents will join him and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche for our weekly Free Tuesday Evening Talk.The evening talk will continue the current series on Ordinary Mind and the Nature of the Mind.

Tempa Lama would like to express his deep gratitude to all those who have given their support, friendship, and generosity over the years to make this possible and to enable us to sustain a Bon temple right here in Pittsburgh. Tempa Lama’s parents are very happy to be here and have been very moved to see our Olmo Ling temple. They look forward to meeting the Olmo Ling community!

If you live in or near Pittsburgh please come join us on Tuesday evening to welcome Tempa Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Lama’s parents in person!

Tuesday, October, 15th at 7:00 PM EST
Join us In-Person or via Zoom

Olmo Ling Bon Center & Institute
1101 Greenfield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

The weekly program at Olmo Ling is free! All are welcome!

Donations to Tempa Dukte Lama, Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche, or to Olmo Ling Bon Center are always deeply appreciated.

A one-time registration is required for attendance. If you registered already for previous talk, you are all set!

Register Here for our Zoom Talks

Dzogchen Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Thrul Khor Teaching, Transmission, and Instruction

with Tempa Dukte Lamaand Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche

Three Weekend Course

Week 1 | Sat. October 26th – Sun. October 27th, 2024
Week 2 | Sat. November 2nd – Sun. November 3rd, 2024
Week 3 | Sat. November 9th – Sun. November 10th, 2024

from 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM EST

This teaching is offered both via Zoom and In-Person at Olmo Ling (1101 Greenfield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217, USA)

Registered participants will receive the recording after the teaching.

The teaching will be taught in English. Simultaneous translation will be available in Spanish, French, and Portuguese via Zoom. Check back soon for updates!

In this special teaching, Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will offer the teaching and transmission of the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud practices of ancient Tibetan Bon Yoga (Thrul Khor). This teaching is part of the Bon cycle of Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Dzogchen. Dzogchen is the highest teaching of Bon as it offers a means to directly recognize the true nature of the mind and attain stabilization of this recognition. Thrul Khor, the training of harmonizing our body, mind, and energy, is an integral part of Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud Dzogchen and supports us on this path.

We recommend Tempa Lama’s book Thrul Khor: Ancient Tibetan Bon Yoga to support your Thrul Khor practice. In this first comprehensive English-language guide to Bon Thrul Khor, Tempa Dukte Lama offers step-by-step instructions for 85 practices according to the A Khrid, Ma Gyud (Mother Tantra), and Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud cycles of Bon Thrul Khor, supported by 499 photographs. He also explains the benefits of the Thrul Khor practices for our spiritual path and for our physical health and wellbeing.

Click here to read more or purchase Thrul Khor: Ancient Tibetan Bon Yoga. For customers outside of the US, see a listing of other stores carrying our books here.

Read More & Register

24-Day Pilgrimage | Mt. Kailash & Central Tibet through Upper Humla Simikot

September 22nd – October 16th, 2024

with Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche

Tempa Lama has 25 years experience leading and co-leading pilgrimage trips to Tibet, Nepal and India (Menri Monastery) as well as medical service trips to Humla, Nepal.

Tempa Dukte Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche will be offering a 24-day pilgrimage from their home valley of Humla, Nepal, to Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarowar in Tibet.

Mount Kailash is one of the most sacred places on Earth. In the Bon tradition, Mount Kailash is viewed as the center of the universe. It is the soul mountain for the ancient kingdom of Zhang Zhung, where the Tibetan Bon religion originated. Mount Kailash is the citadel of the celestial deity Gekhöd, the patron deity of Zhang Zhung. The area surrounding this sacred mountain is home to many Bon and Buddhist yogis and yoginis who live in long-term retreat. The pilgrimage will include daily teachings, meditation and Bon rituals with Tempa Lama and Geshe Tsewang Ngodup Rinpoche.

Please Contact Olmo Ling with Any Questions!

If interested in joining us on our 2025 Pilgrimage to Tibet, please email us at bon@olmoling.org and we will provide you with our itinerary and other necessary documents.

Click Here to View the Itinerary and Pictures of Previous Trips!

Tempa Dukte Lama performing Chod at Kailash with Pilgrimage participants

Thursday Chod Session

Thursdays at 6:30 PM EST
Offered via Zoom & In-Person with Senior Students Jim DelBianco & Andrew Kaiser

Each week we will practice elements of the drumming and chanting, followed by performing the Chod ritual as a group. Jim and Andrew are both senior students of Tempa Dukte Lama.

Join us In-Person or Zoom HERE
Meeting ID: 970 0641 9095
In-Person is recommended, however, we know that is not possible for everyone!

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Saturday Calm Abiding Meditation (Zhine) with Instruction

Saturdays at 8:30 AM EST
Offered via Zoom & In-Person with Senior Student Andrew Kaiser

Please note we will not meet on September 28th

This class will provide instruction in the first phase of meditation, known as Zhine or Calm Abiding. It is important to be able to understand the full succession of meditation phases so that we know what we will learn – and just as important, what we will not be practicing.

Join us In-Person or Zoom HERE
Meeting ID: 967 9436 8181

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Sunday Dzogchen Practice Group


Sundays at 4:00 PM EST
Offered via Zoom & In-Person with Senior Student Bob Marin

  • Meditation Practice Group: 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month
  • Reading and Discussion Group:: 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month

Dzogchen Olmo Ling holds a Meditation Practice sitting and a Reading and Discussion group on alternate weeks. Weekly announcements provide brief readings and indicate whether the meeting will be online or in-person. In-person meetings permit online participation as well.

If you wish to participate or if you have questions about Dzogchen Olmo Ling, please contact Bob Marin

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Family Sangha

2nd Friday and 4th Sunday

Offered In-Person with Olmo Ling Community Members




Thank you so much for helping us sponsor a day of prayers at the Menri Drubchen!

The Menri monastic community will be conducting the Menri Drubchen prayers with His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin April 11-16. The Olmo Ling community would like to sponsor one day of prayers.

The Menri Drubchen is a very special extended prayer ritual that is conducted only once during the life of each Menri Abbot. During the prayers, His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin Rinpoche and the entire community of monks and nuns will bless large amounts of the sacred Mendrup healing herb blend. This Mendrup will then be available throughout the life of His Holiness to be used by Bon lamas around the world to offer healing to their communities.

With your generosity we have raised $1,850 to sponsor a full day of prayers at the Menri Drubchen. Thank you for your generosity and may the resulting merit benefit all beings and bring peace, healing, and happiness!

Read more …


Olmo Ling Humla Project: We have fully raised our 2023 budget!

Tempa Lama has worked with villagers in his home valley Humla for more than 20 years, seeking to preserve Humla’s ancient cultural heritage, support access to health care and quality education, and co-create a sustainable future for the region.

Tucked into the mountains in Nepal’s Northwest close to the Tibetan border, Humla is a land of incredible natural beauty and rich cultural traditions. Many families have been deeply rooted in the Bon tradition for many generations. Humla is also home to Tibetan Buddhist and Hindu practitioners and Shamanic lineages, including through Tempa Lama’s late grandfather, who was a village shaman priest.

Tempa Lama’s work has included annual medical service trips to Humla during 2014 to 2018 that treated hundreds of villagers and building the traditional clinic Sorig Tenpe Menkhang in Humla in 2017/18. The clinic is staffed by a Tibetan doctor (Amchi) and Humla native Tsering Norbu Lama, whose education was sponsored by Olmo Ling. The clinic is an initiative to preserve the native medical practice and bring awareness of traditional practices to Humla’s youth.

Thanks to your great generosity over the last few days we have been able to raise $13,026, surpassing our 2023 budget of $11,450!!

Your generosity enables us to send the first 2 or 3 monthly salary payments for Amchi Tsering in 2024. All further donations will be used for 2024 expenses, including continuing to pay for our wonderful Amchi and essential medicines. Thank you so much for your generosity!!

Read More about our Humla 2023 Support


RECAP: Visit from H.H. 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin to Pittsburgh, PA

in June 2023

Friday, June 2nd – Sunday, June 4th
at Olmo Ling Bon Center and over Zoom

We are deeply honored to announce the second visit of His Holiness 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche the 34th abbot of Menri Monastery and spiritual head of the Bon tradition to Pittsburgh this June. Please join us for this precious opportunity to spend time with His Holiness. H.H. will offer a public talk on Friday, June 2nd, teaching on The Important and Benefits of the Jang Chok Ritual on Saturday, June 3rd, and perform a Du Tri Su Empowerment on Sunday, June 4th.

Learn more about His Holiness’ June Visit!


We have launched Phase II of the Temple Capital Campaign!

On December 9, 2022, we were able to buy the building that houses Olmo Ling temple in Pittsburgh. We would like to thank you all so much for your generous support that has made this possible.

W invite you to join us in supporting the second phase of the capital campaign for renovating the upper two floors. Often, long-term students ask about doing a personal retreat at Olmo Ling. We will therefore offer the second floor for personal retreats and for accommodation during teachings (following necessary renovations). The third floor will be renovated as an apartment for rent. Utilizing the entire building in this way will help us sustain our temple and pay for the building

Tempa Lama’s vision for many years has been to provide a sacred space of refuge where the community can come together to practice and where everyone can have access to well-learned Tibetan Bon masters and Western teachers. Tempa Lama’s deep wish is to support the flourishing of Bon in the West by offering translations of ancient Tibetan Bon texts into Western languages at Olmo Ling. Most of all, Tempa Lama’s profound aspiration is to support Western students who want to train and become responsible Bon teachers and lamas so that Bon can truly grow deep roots in the West.

Our temple space in Pittsburgh is the cornerstone of this work and of our charitable projects in the Himalayas.

We are most grateful to have received the support of His Holiness 34th Gyalwa Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche and the Menri Monastery community for the temple capital campaign.

We invite you to help us raise $87,500 for building renovations.

Raised to date for Phase II: $55,325.64 – You can donate HERE

Read More and Join Us Here

Olmo Ling Daily Prayers

We recite the prayers below at the start of each weekly community practice on Tuesdays. Feel free to download for your own daily practice!


Now Available: Tempa Dukte Lama’s New Book – Jang Chok Ancient Tibetan Bon Ritual

Tempa Lama’s new book on the Du Tri Su Jang Chok ritual is now available for purchase!

The Jang Chok ritual from the Du Tri Su cycle is a powerful skillful means to guide the consciousness of the deceased and protect it from the terror of the Bardo experiences. This book offers the first complete English translation and transliteration of the Du Tri Su Jang Chok liturgy (with the original Tibetan included). In the first part of the book, Tempa Dukte Lama explains the different sections of the ritual and their meaning and purpose as well as how to make the required torma offerings and prepare for the ritual. The liturgy in the second part of the book is annotated throughout and images of ritual arrangements and torma offerings are included to assist practitioners in performing the ritual.

“This translation and ritual manual will be of great benefit as a practice resource for all those who want to learn and use the Du Tri Su Jang Chok ritual for the deceased. It will be most helpful to any Western practitioners.”

~ His Holiness 34th Menri Trizin Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal, spiritual head of Bön

Read more and purchase the book here

Tempa Dukte Lama’s Books

  • Origin of the Medicine Buddha Tempa Dukte Lama illuminates the history of how the Medicine Buddha was first taught. He offers a translation of the short Medicine Buddha practice composed by 14th century Bön master Nyamed Sherab Gyaltsen along with a detailed explanation of the liturgy, visualization, and altar preparation.
  • Thrul Khor: Ancient Tibetan Bon Yoga Step-by-step instructions for 85 practices according to the A Khrid, Ma Gyud (Mother Tantra), and Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud cycles of Bon Thrul Khor, supported by 499 photographs.
  • Heart Drop of the Loving Mother Tempa Lama offers detailed instructions on the Heart Drop of the Loving Mother practice and on how we can become a Loving Mother in our lives.
  • Inexhaustible Miracles: The Ten Perfections on the Path of Compassionate Beings The Ten Perfections are the heart practices of compassionate beings through which we bring the Bon teachings into our lived experience: generosity, wholesome conduct, patience, effort, concentration, power, aspirational prayers, skillful means, and discriminating awareness. Tempa Lama explains how we can cultivate each Perfection and use these practices to transform every moment of our lives.

Sidpa Gyalmo practice resources

  • Recording of Tempa Lama chanting the Sidpa Gyalmo Healing Practice liturgy
  • Recording of Tempa Lama chanting the Sidpa Gyalmo Healing Waters Practice liturgy
  • Recording of Tempa Lama chanting the Sidpa Gyalmo Longevity & Prosperity practice
  • A booklet by Tempa Lama with an explanation of the symbolic meaning of the Sidpa Gyalmo and Yeshe Walmo visualization, detailed instructions of the healing practice, an explanation of the Bon approach to healing, color pictures of Sidpa Gyalmo and Yeshe Walmo, and the practice liturgy of both the Healing Practice and the Healing Waters Practice is available from our store here. We are able to ship quickly and now offer lower First Class shipping rates for domestic and international orders.