Opening the Heart of the Three Jewels

With the 7th Kundrol Rinpoche

Saturday May 3rd 10.00am to 5.00pm

Venue: Western Pennsylvania Family Center, 733 N Highland Ave, Pittsburgh PA


In this the daylong retreat seminar, Kundrol Rinpoche will give authentic and traditional Bon teachings on the Three
Jewels, the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. This retreat is a unique opportunity for participants to explore the heart essence of the three jewels of Bon Buddhism through teaching, meditation and discussion. This seminar is appropriate for both advanced practitioners and beginners.

Kundrol Rinpoche is a monk and a renowned healer and psychic of the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition. He is the 7th reincarnation of the great Kundol Jaston Nyingpo, the founder of Za Mongyal Monastery in Tibet. Rinpoche’s sense of humor, his warmth, compassion and his unique qualities of teaching have touched the hearts of many people throughout the world. Kundrol Rinpoche live with his monks at Ja Mongyal Yung Drung ling Monastery in Northern India.

Suggested donation $40 to benefit monks and children at Rinpoche’s monastery in India

Limited Space; preregistration is required. Contact Iris, phone: 412-606-9957.
