
The Three Heart Mantras of Bon

With Tempa Dukte Lama via Zoom

Saturday July 18, July 25 and August 1, 10:30am-12pm

The Three Heart Mantras of Sa Le Od, Ma Tri, and Du Tri Su are the heart essence of the teaching of the Tonpa Shenrab, the Awakened One who founded the Tibetan Bon tradition approximately eighteen thousand years ago. Tonpa Shenrab taught these mantras to give people a practice that has the power to liberate simply by hearing or reciting it, seeing or touching it, or contemplating it.

The Du Tri Su mantra is a practice for transforming obstacles and clearing the conditions of the lower realms. It is also used for physical healing and the healing of relationships, and to guide the souls of the deceased and help them find peace and wellbeing. The Ma Tri is the mantra of compassion. This mantra is a powerful practice for clearing and healing emotional difficulties and transforming the five poisons of anger, greed, ignorance, jealousy and envy into the five wisdoms. The mantra also has the power to clear the karmic conditions that cause us to be reborn in cyclic existence within the six realms. The heart essence of the practice of Sa Le Od is to realize the true nature of the mind with respect to the base, path, and fruit. The base is the Dharmakaya or truth body. The path is the Sambhogakaya or enjoyment body. The fruit is the Nirmanakaya or emanation body.

  • Saturday July 18: The Du Tri Su mantra practice
  • Saturday July 25: The Ma Tri mantra practice
  • Saturday August 1: The Sa Le Od mantra practice

Pre-registration is required for this free zoom teaching.

The expanded second edition of the popular Three Heart Mantra meditation manual is available here (Kindle version here). This 48-page spiral-bound booklet includes a richly illustrated explanation of the deities of the Three Heart Mantra practice. Tempa Lama explains the preliminary practices as well as the generation and completion stage of this practice and how to overcome obstacles to our practice. He then explains the meaning of each of the three heart mantras and the visualization in detail. Pictures of the mantras and seed syllables are also included. This second expanded edition also includes an explanation of the thirty-two benefits of the Ma Tri practice as given by the Awakened One Tonpa Shenrab and later the compassionate being Tobu Bum Sang.