His Holiness 33rd Menri Trizin, Lungtok Tenpa’i Nyima, historic visit to Olmo Ling Bon Center in June, 2011
His Holiness 33rd Menri Trizin, the spiritual head of the Tibetan Bon tradition, spent four days at Olmo Ling Tibetan Bon Center during June, 2011. He was accompanied by Geshe Yungdrung and Tsewang Lama.
His Holiness’ arrival
Upon his arrival to Pittsburgh International Airport on June 2, His Holiness was greeted by Tempa Lama and Olmo Ling Sangha members.

His Holiness’ visit to Falk School

In the morning of Friday, June 3, His Holiness visited Falk School, a private coeducational K-8 institution administered by the University of Pittsburgh School of Education. He was welcomed by 3rd, 4th, 6th & 7th grade students offering a song about peace. Falk students and family had decorated the campus with peace flags displaying wishes for worldwide peace, friendship and love. His Holiness spoke to the students about how we can bring peace to this world by giving everyone our kindness. In particular, he encouraged the students to love their parents and the parents to love each other. This will help bring about world peace. His Holiness then briefly toured the school to see what the children are doing and learning at Falk School.

His Holiness’ luncheon with the Olmo Ling board
At noon, His Holiness, Geshe-la and Tsewang Lama joined Tempa Lama, the Olmo Ling board and a few close supporters of Olmo Ling for a luncheon to talk about the future of Olmo Ling Center and Olmo Ling Publications.
During this occasion, His Holiness opened the first two books by Tempa Lama which are the inaugural books of Olmo Ling Publications.

Public Talk and Blessing with His Holiness “Awakening the Heart of Compassion”

On Sat. June 4, His Holiness offered a Public Talk and Blessing in the Mellon Institute Auditorium, one of the most beautiful and historic venues in Pittsburgh.
The event was opened with words of welcome by Olmo Ling president Lowell Britson, followed by Tempa Lama introducing His Holiness and the Bon teachings, and Olmo Ling vice-president Dr. Stan Perelman introducing Olmo Ling.
His Holiness then entered and spoke about the unique history and lineage of the Tibetan Bon tradition. He explained that all of us can attain awakening based on our inherent true nature. He then offered instructions for practicing in each moment to reconnect with the pure nature of our mind.
Following the talk, His Holiness offered individual blessings.

Benefit Dinner with His Holiness

This event was followed by a Benefit Dinner for Menri Monastery and in particular for the young nuns of Redna Menling nunnery at Menri in Dolanji, India.
Redna Menling is the only Bon nunnery in exile in India. The young nuns at Redna Menling have made the dangerous journey from the Tibetan borderlands and other remote Himalayan areas to receive education and be near His Holiness. Many are orphans, half-orphans or refugees. At Redna Menling, the young nuns attend school in addition to receiving the traditional Bon monastic training.

His Holiness also revealed that for the first time, a group of 18 or 20 nuns is now starting the Geshe program of higher philosophical studies (a Geshe degree is equivalent to a PhD).
The dinner featured a raffle and live music with Mimi Jong playing the ancient Chinese Erhu.
Blessing of Olmo Ling Temple and Bon Canon Consecration with His Holiness

On Sunday June 5, His Holiness visited Olmo Ling temple to bless the temple and consecrate the Olmo Ling Bon Kangyur and Tengyur. His Holiness also addressed the community to express how much he had enjoyed this visit.
This was followed by a Tsok celebration and a tour of Olmo Ling Center.

In addition to these events, His Holiness gave his precious time to meet privately with a number of individuals seeking blessings, healing, and spiritual guidance.
Our deepest gratitude to His Holiness Menri Trizin for offering his presence, wisdom and blessings during this historic visit.
Longevity Prayer of H.H. 33rd Menri Trizin Rinpoche
RAB JAM CHHOK CHU GYAL WA SE CHE KYIThe omniscient wisdom of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions
Is condensed into a single essence in you, Highest One
Possessor of the enlightened activity of the profound, expanded, increasing teachings of Tonpa Shenrab
We pray that you Lungtok Tenpa’i Nyima shine forever.