Healing Practice in the Tibetan Bon Tradition
Public talk with Tempa Dukte Lama
Friday, April 25, 7-8:30pmSpencertown Academy Arts Center, 790 Route 203, Spencertown, NY
We are all gifted with the primordial wisdom of healing. In the Tibetan Bon tradition, practices to help us connect with this innate potential of healing have been done for thousands of years. According to the Bon teachings, healing encompasses the physical, emotional and mental dimensions. Tempa Lama will
give an overview of how healing practice is used in the Bon tradition to heal our mind, balance and strengthen our energy, and help us reconnect with our inherent potential of healing others and ourselves. He will then introduce the Humla Medical Service Trip that he will guide this fall to Humla, Nepal, a remote Himalayan region of incredible natural beauty and rich cultural diversity. The trip will bring acupuncturists, naturopaths and medical doctors to Humla’s remote villages to offer no cost, high quality health care to people who otherwise do not have access to medical care. The trip is now open for applications from medical professionals and lay people who want to share their compassion and wisdom with the people of Humla.